SESAC (Steel Erection Safety Association of Colorado) member Quality Steel Services, based in Loveland Colorado, sent 7 of its finest young men on what will be a three-year journey that started on March 24th. These 7 apprentices will be attending one 8 hour class a month for the next three years until they complete their NCCER (National Center for Construction Education and Research) Journeyman Ironworker apprenticeship. Quality Steel Services has always shown a fervent dedication to its employee’s. Just drive by one of their projects some time, without even going onsite you know that Quality is a cut above. From the street, you will see their orange elevated Beamsafe horizontal life line posts and all their employees tied off 100% of the time above 6 feet. In the first quarter of 2017 Quality had their entire Journeyman workforce sit for the NCCER Journeyman Ironworker assessment so that they could obtain their portable Journeyman Ironworker credentials. Scott Seppers, a Consultant for MSC said, “I love going to a Quality Steel site to perform a safety audit, their Ironworkers are always smiling and happy, it makes my job easy. Their employees have bought in because they know the company cares about them.”
I love going to a Quality Steel site to perform a safety audit, their Ironworkers are always smiling and happy, it makes my job easy. Their employees have bought in because they know the company cares about them.
At the conclusion of the first apprentice class on March 24th the apprentices were given a 20-question closed book test on the Fastening module that was just covered in class, every one of them passed with A’s. When Grant Edwards, the Safety and Training officer for Quality Steel was informed of this he said, “I feel like one proud papa!”
Safety, training, production, and most importantly, quality is what this premiere steel erector brings to the table every single day. SESAC is proud to have Quality Steel Services as a member!