
Recent posts on industry news, insightful information and anecdotes.

A Culture of Quality

SESAC (Steel Erection Safety Association of Colorado) member Quality Steel Services, based in Loveland Colorado, sent 7 of its finest young men on what will be a three-year journey that started on March 24th.

A Study in Class

On May 11th Derr & Gruenewald Construction, based in Henderson Colorado topped out the steel on the new $350 Million Lockheed Martin facility that will produce next-generation satellites.

Denver Colorado is Boom Town USA!

In March, there were over 20 tower cranes in downtown Denver! Business is booming in Colorado these days...

Derr & Gruenewald Topped out the University of Wyoming High Altitude Practice Center

SESAC member Derr & Gruenewald topped out the Topping Out the new University of Wyoming High Altitude Practice Center in March.

S.N.S. Ironworks Inc. Erects 9/11 Memorial